Armas Wines
Armas Wines
Aragatsotn marz, v. Nor Yedesia
ArmAs revives the good traditions of Armenian winemaking, creating fine wines born in idyllic terroir of the vine, which is the country's natural resource. It is well known that Armenia is the cradle of winemaking, dating back to 6,100 years. As an ode to the Armenian heritage of viticulture winemaker, Emilio Del Medico created award-winning, selected, and unique wines from the local grape varieties. ArmAs Estate is a telling example of agricultural achievement against the backdrop of the inspiring Mount Ararat․ Thanks to hard work the formerly deserted and isolated 180-hectare rocky plot of land has been transformed into vineyards, օrchards and world-class winery․ Hundreds of people from different villages of Armenia and foreign countries got involved in this work, and they still keep teaching and learning from each other. The prosperity of ArmAs Estate is a shining example of progress through prudent guidance and collaboration. It embodies the combination of the old and the new. Bloom is in each wine drop. ArmAs wine is a legend of a resilient culture, abundant sun, volcanic eruption, turbulent terrain, and generous soil.