HELENE dairy products
HELENE dairy products
Gegharquniq region, Chambarak
"In March 2014, a milk processing plant was established in Chambarak, Gegharkunik region, where ""Lori"" type cheese was made at home. The increase of production volumes demanded more and more resources and investments. In Autumn 2014, in parallel with the production, a capital construction of a milk processing plant (82.84 m2) started and completed in March 2016. About 2000 liters of milk is processed per day in a plant. The product was called ""Helen Dairy"". Raw materials used for production are obtained from local farmers, intermediaries and individual farms. The products are mainly sold in Chambarak, Yerevan, Vanadzor, Charentsavan, Nor-Hachn, Dilijan and other cities. Later the roducts such as Suluguni, smoked Suluguni, whipped cream, cottage cheese, butter and Yeghegnadzor cheese were added. All products in the market are packaged and labeled."