Yerevan, Armenia
"MY VILLAGE" LLC is implementing a new social business project. We established a drier, line production workshop and aiming to procure agricultural and all other products produced in all the villages of Armenia to sell them in Yerevan, with ahead plans to export them abroad as well. One of the cornerstones of the project is to help local farmers in selling their productions. If we release challenges and support farmers with sales, they may produce more agricultural products, will have opportunity to lay their hands on wild harvest production, thus will generate additional source of income for them, and consequently they will produce more agricultural products. Our main target will be cooperation with vulnerable groups, and primary emphasis will be focused on far-flung villages. We are open to listen to any proposal, and we will be pleased to have partners from all villages of Armenia. We will share knowledge to those who wish to receive individual advice on wild harvesting and agronomy in demand. The key to the strengthening of our country is in the hands of each of us, and we can achieve the desired result only if we act together and unitedly. The project's mission is to create jobs, prevent internal migration and contribute to poverty reduction.