Green Tava
Green Tava
Կոմիտաս պողոտա 3
The founder of the idea of creating Green Tava is a lawyer. Working in a rather complex and stressful industry, having a busy day and 3 little ones, she understood very well how important it is for busy moms to provide healthy food for the child while coping with work duties. She often reverted to her mother with a request to make healthy and quality food for her children. Realizing how difficult it is to combine a busy day with providing delicious and high-quality food for babies, a new idea was born in her head, aimed at making the "work" of mothers like her easier. And of course, it was impossible to cope with this issue without our main helpers - grandmothers. And today everyone can taste homemade, delicious and high-quality semi-finished products made by the mother of the founder of the idea of Green Tava. At Green Tava, they make what they initially made for their own children, and very soon their semi-finished products were loved and appreciated by many. Green Tava does not work on quantity; the most important value beyond this initiative is the quality.