Tigran Avagyan
Tigran Avagyan
Aragatsotn marz, Nerqin Bazmaberd
"Wine Art" LLC was founded in 2019. Before establishing the company, we were working on producing high-quality and unique wine for about 4 years. We are sure that we succeeded. Our workshop is located in Yerevan. Soon it will be relocated to the administrative area of the community of N. Bazmaberd, Aragatsotn region, where a new winery is under construction. The vineyard is located in the community of Armavir, Armavir region. To have high-quality harvest and wine raw materials the vineyard is cultivated according to standards and rules. All works starting with grape picking are done by hand. Then, the grapes are sorted and the best bunches undergo pressing. Finally, wild fermentation is done in a natural way, without intervention. Sulfites and yeasts are not used in winemaking. As a result, we have natural wine. "Sutak" natural wine is made from a blend of Armenian new grape varieties KARMRAHYUT and HAGHTANAK using traditional methods rooted in Armenian winemaking for centuries. The name of Sutak is derived from its color, which translates RUBY in English. "Sutak" is wine, with a rich taste of dried fruits, berries, and the aroma of wildflowers.