Useful properties of dried fruits that many people do not know

Useful properties of dried fruits that many people do not know

The statement that nuts and dried fruits are healthy is perceived as an indisputable truth. Nutritionists, therapists, neurologists, and cardiologists talk about it.

The relevance of using dried fruits increases sharply during the cold period of the year. They are a source of valuable nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Most of them are rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, and in some types, there are enough minerals that are not often found in our daily diet but are extremely important for the normal functioning of the body.

We present to you the useful properties of each of the dried fruits. The statement that nuts and dried fruits are healthy is perceived as an indisputable truth. Nutritionists, therapists, neurologists, and cardiologists talk about it.

The relevance of using dried fruits increases sharply during the cold period of the year when fresh fruits are. They are a source of valuable nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Most of them are rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, and in some types, there are enough minerals that are not often found in our daily diet but are extremely important for the normal functioning of the body.

We present to you the useful properties of each of the dried fruits.

Dried pears

· Contributes to the activation of metabolism.

· Contains insoluble fiber, which contributes to the removal of accumulated toxins and toxic compounds.

· It is used for the prevention of various diseases of the digestive system.

· Destroys harmful microorganisms.

Stabilizes hematopoietic processes.

Dried apricots

· The sugar content in dried apricot reaches 80-90%, which is why it has an energy value.

· Dried apricots and apricot juice are useful for pregnant women and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Dried plums

· Positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system,

· Increases working capacity, improves the general condition of the organism,

· Improves the condition of the skin, and has rejuvenating properties, as it absorbs free radicals that destroy the body.

Dried plum

· Useful for cancer prevention.

· It has a positive effect on the human nervous system and also increases resistance in case of stress.

· It has the ability to regulate high arterial blood pressure, therefore it is recommended for hypertensives.

·It is widely used in the treatment of some intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation.

· Useful in case of vitamin deficiency, as it contains a number of vitamins.

The daily dose of dry use should not exceed 100 grams. In that case, the benefits of dry fruits will be obvious without harming the body.

You can order a large variety of Armenian dry goods through the Koriz application.

Follow the link to get acquainted with the range and make purchases.